Prayer to close demonic doors opened through Tatooes and mutilations.
Father God, I recognize now in your word in Leviticus 19:28 that I was commanded not to receive tattoos or marks on my body. I repent and ask for forgiveness for having sinned against you and your word. Please wash me afresh with the blood of Jesus.
Now, in the name of Jesus, I break agreements with these tattoos, their symbolism in my life and their enslavement of me. I shut the demonic portal attached to each tattoo on my body, in the Name of Jesus. I seal them shut by the blood of Jesus never to be opened again.
Any demonic power that has gained access to my body through tattoos or mutilations I revoke your power and your ability to influence my life in Jesus name! Be removed and cast into the sea! In Jesus Mighty Name. Blood of Jesus flush all demonic residue from my body, cleanse me and purify me. In Jesus name. Amen.
Tell your friends who have tattoos to “shut the door” to the demonic activity in their lives. Lay hands on the tattoos and command them to be closed.
Father God, I recognize now in your word in Leviticus 19:28 that I was commanded not to receive tattoos or marks on my body. I repent and ask for forgiveness for having sinned against you and your word. Please wash me afresh with the blood of Jesus.
Now, in the name of Jesus, I break agreements with these tattoos, their symbolism in my life and their enslavement of me. I shut the demonic portal attached to each tattoo on my body, in the Name of Jesus. I seal them shut by the blood of Jesus never to be opened again.
Any demonic power that has gained access to my body through tattoos or mutilations I revoke your power and your ability to influence my life in Jesus name! Be removed and cast into the sea! In Jesus Mighty Name. Blood of Jesus flush all demonic residue from my body, cleanse me and purify me. In Jesus name. Amen.
Tell your friends who have tattoos to “shut the door” to the demonic activity in their lives. Lay hands on the tattoos and command them to be closed.
Every witchcraft ladder fashion against me be consumed by fire! Every spell be undone! I command the Release of stolen possession. God's will be done. I Cancel every witchcraft fate. All magic will fail. All witchcraft power be dismantled and storage be destroyed. All witchcraft leaven be removed from my life! In Jesus Name!
Every Besom Broom be consumed by fire! I Ground every astral travel and destroy every evil evocation and projection in Jesus Name!
Every Bowline be melted with red hot molten magma of God!
Every Witchcraft Bottle and Witch balls Balls explode with the thunders and lighting of God! In Jesus
I Dismantle every Cingulum Cord and every spell be consumed by fire! In Jesus name
Every witchcraft coven gathered against me, my family, my ministry and my business be disbanded. In Jesus name!
Every witchcraft object hidden in the walls, doors, floors, attic, foundations and basement of our home or any member of our family's home be destroyed by fire! In Jesus name!
I dismantle and destroy the power of any witchcraft symbol or witchcraft word on any object, clothing, book, jewelry or transportation vehicle in my possession or in the possession of any family member. In the mighty Name of Jesus.
I loose myself from every binding spell placed upon me through my hair, facial hair, nail, semen or blood in the dream world and out of the dream world in the Mighty Name of Jesus.
I break and dismantle all witchcraft hand writing and artistry spells formed against me in Jesus name.
Lord Jesus, I dismantle and I take authority over every demonic, satanic, witchcraft and marine witchcraft programming in the sun, stars, moon, elements, earth, grave, forest, sea and the deep for the summer and winter solstices, and for witchcraft festival dates Oct 31, Dec 21, Jan 31, March 21, April 30, June 22, July 31 and Sept 21. I reprogram these dates according to your plan, purposes, timing and seasons. I release your Grace and Mercy. I take back the Mount of Appointed times for your Kingdom. In Jesus Mighty name!
Every witchcraft ladder fashion against me be consumed by fire! Every spell be undone! I command the Release of stolen possession. God's will be done. I Cancel every witchcraft fate. All magic will fail. All witchcraft power be dismantled and storage be destroyed. All witchcraft leaven be removed from my life! In Jesus Name!
Every Besom Broom be consumed by fire! I Ground every astral travel and destroy every evil evocation and projection in Jesus Name!
Every Bowline be melted with red hot molten magma of God!
Every Witchcraft Bottle and Witch balls Balls explode with the thunders and lighting of God! In Jesus
I Dismantle every Cingulum Cord and every spell be consumed by fire! In Jesus name
Every witchcraft coven gathered against me, my family, my ministry and my business be disbanded. In Jesus name!
Every witchcraft object hidden in the walls, doors, floors, attic, foundations and basement of our home or any member of our family's home be destroyed by fire! In Jesus name!
I dismantle and destroy the power of any witchcraft symbol or witchcraft word on any object, clothing, book, jewelry or transportation vehicle in my possession or in the possession of any family member. In the mighty Name of Jesus.
I loose myself from every binding spell placed upon me through my hair, facial hair, nail, semen or blood in the dream world and out of the dream world in the Mighty Name of Jesus.
I break and dismantle all witchcraft hand writing and artistry spells formed against me in Jesus name.
Lord Jesus, I dismantle and I take authority over every demonic, satanic, witchcraft and marine witchcraft programming in the sun, stars, moon, elements, earth, grave, forest, sea and the deep for the summer and winter solstices, and for witchcraft festival dates Oct 31, Dec 21, Jan 31, March 21, April 30, June 22, July 31 and Sept 21. I reprogram these dates according to your plan, purposes, timing and seasons. I release your Grace and Mercy. I take back the Mount of Appointed times for your Kingdom. In Jesus Mighty name!
SHOTGUN PRAYER (Say this prayer to cancel many spiritual attacks)
I Bind, Break & Destroy every assignment, curse, hex, vex, witchcraft, voodoo, incantation, spell, sorcery, plot, diabolic assignment, ambushment of the enemy, enchantment, charm & diabolic prayer of the enemy. I condemn every tongue that rises against me and will show it to be in the wrong. I break diabolic word nets, diabolic alliances and unholy alliances set against me. I destroy the power of all amulets, charms, talesmen and fetishes in my possession. I bind untimely deaths and accidents set against me or my family in the name of Jesus! I bind all attacks against my marriage, my family, my finances, my ministry and my destiny in the name of Jesus! I command every witchcraft altar with my name, body part, picture, hair, nails, blood to be destroyed by fire! I command all witchcraft ladders formed against me to be destroyed by fire!
I dismantle all Satanic Witchcraft and Marine witchcraft programming in the Sun, Stars, Moon, Elements, Earth, Grave, Sea, Forest and the deep programmed against me. I decree God's will and His timing for me. I decree the Sun, Stars, Moon, Elements, Earth, Grave, Forest, Sea and the Deep work for me and not against me, in Jesus name. I break all covenants with spirit spouses and spirit children. I vomit up everything eaten and imbibed in the dream world. In Jesus name! Everything transferred into me through sex in the dream world, die now! I bind all astral projection into my sleep. I shut every door, window, gate, portal and access point in Jesus name. God blesses the sleep of the righteous!
I decree & declare that I will fulfill ALL that Jesus has called me to in the fullness of length of days ordained for me in health, peace and prosperity. I decree I am blessed and what God has blessed cannot be cursed. I decree I have a healthy marriage & family life in Jesus name!
Now gather the promises of God and decree them over your life.
Before we address things in the spirit realm that can be afflicting us we must first examine our hearts and our lives. If we have the devils things in us or participate with his stuff than we have no power to oppose him. We must submit ourselves back under the Lordship of Jesus and ask for forgiveness and the cleansing of His blood before we confront the enemy.
Do not be deceived for God is not mocked. Whatever you sow you will reap. If you sow to the flesh; of the flesh you receive corruption. If you sow to the spirit; you reap life everlasting. Gal 6:7-8
I Bind, Break & Destroy every assignment, curse, hex, vex, witchcraft, voodoo, incantation, spell, sorcery, plot, diabolic assignment, ambushment of the enemy, enchantment, charm & diabolic prayer of the enemy. I condemn every tongue that rises against me and will show it to be in the wrong. I break diabolic word nets, diabolic alliances and unholy alliances set against me. I destroy the power of all amulets, charms, talesmen and fetishes in my possession. I bind untimely deaths and accidents set against me or my family in the name of Jesus! I bind all attacks against my marriage, my family, my finances, my ministry and my destiny in the name of Jesus! I command every witchcraft altar with my name, body part, picture, hair, nails, blood to be destroyed by fire! I command all witchcraft ladders formed against me to be destroyed by fire!
I dismantle all Satanic Witchcraft and Marine witchcraft programming in the Sun, Stars, Moon, Elements, Earth, Grave, Sea, Forest and the deep programmed against me. I decree God's will and His timing for me. I decree the Sun, Stars, Moon, Elements, Earth, Grave, Forest, Sea and the Deep work for me and not against me, in Jesus name. I break all covenants with spirit spouses and spirit children. I vomit up everything eaten and imbibed in the dream world. In Jesus name! Everything transferred into me through sex in the dream world, die now! I bind all astral projection into my sleep. I shut every door, window, gate, portal and access point in Jesus name. God blesses the sleep of the righteous!
I decree & declare that I will fulfill ALL that Jesus has called me to in the fullness of length of days ordained for me in health, peace and prosperity. I decree I am blessed and what God has blessed cannot be cursed. I decree I have a healthy marriage & family life in Jesus name!
Now gather the promises of God and decree them over your life.
Before we address things in the spirit realm that can be afflicting us we must first examine our hearts and our lives. If we have the devils things in us or participate with his stuff than we have no power to oppose him. We must submit ourselves back under the Lordship of Jesus and ask for forgiveness and the cleansing of His blood before we confront the enemy.
Do not be deceived for God is not mocked. Whatever you sow you will reap. If you sow to the flesh; of the flesh you receive corruption. If you sow to the spirit; you reap life everlasting. Gal 6:7-8
Kuinka murtaa Hippokrateen valan valta elämässämme voidaksemme parantua ja vapautua
Jeesuksen nimessä murran Hippokrateen valan voiman, joka vaikuttaa elämässäni lääkäreiden ja muiden lääketieteen harjoittajien palveluiden käytön kautta.
Jeesuksen nimessä otan takaisin ruumiini, mieleni ja sieluni hallintavallan Apollon, Hermeksen, Hygeian ja Panakeian henkivalloilta.
Oksennan ulos niiden parannuskeinot ja lääkkeet Jeesuksen nimessä. Suljen jokaisen reitin ruumiiseeni ja henkeeni. Sanoudun irti liitosta niiden kanssa ja niiden diagnooseista elämässäni. Jokainen demoni vaikutuksineen, joka on tullut elämääni operaatioiden, verensiirtojen, suonensisäisten ruiskeiden ja pistosten tai minulle suoritettujen kokeiden kautta, joutuu lähtemään kehostani Jeesuksen nimessä.
Särjen sielun siteet niihin ja pyydän anteeksi, että olen palvonut lääketieteen jumalia, erityisesti Pharmakeiaa, Apollosta, Hermestä, Asklepiosta, Hygeiaa, Panakeiaa, Neboa, Merkuriusta ja Thotia.
Sidon, särjen ja tuhoan Käärmeenkantajan (Serpentarius) tähtikuvion vallan elämässäni.
Julistan, että tämän tähtikuvion tulee palvella Jumalan tahtoa, suunnitelmaa ja tarkoitusta.
Isä Jumala, Jeesuksen nimessä kadun sitä, että olen tietämättäni palvonut näitä jumalia ja särjen jokaisen epäjumalan ja alttarin, jonka olen pystyttänyt elämääni. Anna anteeksi, pyydän veresi puhdistusta ja parantumista nyt, Jeesuksen väkevässä nimessä. Siinä nimessä, joka on ylempänä kaikkia sairauksia ja tauteja.
Jeesuksen nimessä murran Hippokrateen valan voiman, joka vaikuttaa elämässäni lääkäreiden ja muiden lääketieteen harjoittajien palveluiden käytön kautta.
Jeesuksen nimessä otan takaisin ruumiini, mieleni ja sieluni hallintavallan Apollon, Hermeksen, Hygeian ja Panakeian henkivalloilta.
Oksennan ulos niiden parannuskeinot ja lääkkeet Jeesuksen nimessä. Suljen jokaisen reitin ruumiiseeni ja henkeeni. Sanoudun irti liitosta niiden kanssa ja niiden diagnooseista elämässäni. Jokainen demoni vaikutuksineen, joka on tullut elämääni operaatioiden, verensiirtojen, suonensisäisten ruiskeiden ja pistosten tai minulle suoritettujen kokeiden kautta, joutuu lähtemään kehostani Jeesuksen nimessä.
Särjen sielun siteet niihin ja pyydän anteeksi, että olen palvonut lääketieteen jumalia, erityisesti Pharmakeiaa, Apollosta, Hermestä, Asklepiosta, Hygeiaa, Panakeiaa, Neboa, Merkuriusta ja Thotia.
Sidon, särjen ja tuhoan Käärmeenkantajan (Serpentarius) tähtikuvion vallan elämässäni.
Julistan, että tämän tähtikuvion tulee palvella Jumalan tahtoa, suunnitelmaa ja tarkoitusta.
Isä Jumala, Jeesuksen nimessä kadun sitä, että olen tietämättäni palvonut näitä jumalia ja särjen jokaisen epäjumalan ja alttarin, jonka olen pystyttänyt elämääni. Anna anteeksi, pyydän veresi puhdistusta ja parantumista nyt, Jeesuksen väkevässä nimessä. Siinä nimessä, joka on ylempänä kaikkia sairauksia ja tauteja.
In the Name of Jesus I break the power of the Hippocratic Oath in operation in my life through and by the employment of physicians and their associates.
In the name of Jesus I take back access to my body, mind and soul from the spirits of Appollo, Hermes, Aesculpius, Hygeia, and Panacea.
I vomit up their cures and medicines in Jesus name. I shut every access to my body, soul and spirit. I break agreements with them and their diagnosis over my life. Every demonic entity or influence that has entered into my life through operations, blood transfusions, I.V.s, shots or tests performed upon me I serve notice against you now! You must leave my body in the name of Jesus!
I break soul ties and repent for my worship of the gods of medicine; specifically, Pharmekia, Appollo, Hermes, Aesculapius, Hygeia, Panacea, Nebo, Mercury and Thoth.
I bind, break and destroy the power of the constellation Ophiuchus – the serpent bearer, in my life
I reprogram this constellation to God's will, plan and purpose.
Father God, I repent for unknowingly worshiping these gods and I tear down any idols or altars I have erected to them in my life in Jesus name. Please forgive me, I ask for your blood to cleanse me and heal me now, in Jesus Mighty Name. The Name that is above every name of sickness and disease. Amen.
In the Name of Jesus I break the power of the Hippocratic Oath in operation in my life through and by the employment of physicians and their associates.
In the name of Jesus I take back access to my body, mind and soul from the spirits of Appollo, Hermes, Aesculpius, Hygeia, and Panacea.
I vomit up their cures and medicines in Jesus name. I shut every access to my body, soul and spirit. I break agreements with them and their diagnosis over my life. Every demonic entity or influence that has entered into my life through operations, blood transfusions, I.V.s, shots or tests performed upon me I serve notice against you now! You must leave my body in the name of Jesus!
I break soul ties and repent for my worship of the gods of medicine; specifically, Pharmekia, Appollo, Hermes, Aesculapius, Hygeia, Panacea, Nebo, Mercury and Thoth.
I bind, break and destroy the power of the constellation Ophiuchus – the serpent bearer, in my life
I reprogram this constellation to God's will, plan and purpose.
Father God, I repent for unknowingly worshiping these gods and I tear down any idols or altars I have erected to them in my life in Jesus name. Please forgive me, I ask for your blood to cleanse me and heal me now, in Jesus Mighty Name. The Name that is above every name of sickness and disease. Amen.